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      • These people will not stop at scheming of ways to depopulate the planet. From new drugs and vaccines that kill, to not only forecasting a pandemic but actually planning another to to implement killer vaccine uptake. I wonder why these people are so deluded that they actually believe that they are better than the rest of us? If they were aware that all life is interconnected, would they then realize that what they do to others they are actually doing to themselves? I have my doubts, but this is how the universe really works.

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            They are controlled by Satan.

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              The problem is that the Elite think that the rest of us, who previously worked for them and created the industrial age and worked in their factories, are now "Useless Eaters" or "Human Garbage" because we don't have the understanding or technology to keep up with the times and their assumed new world order where everything, pretty much, is automatic, controlled by computers and technology and now AI, which is scheduled to replace "most" office workers jobs mid 2024. Take Hyundai cars for example - metal goes in one end and built functioning cars comes out the other end and no human intervention necessary. Hyundai had a book for suggestions which their human component could file ideas to save the company money and earn a financial reward and one worker came up with the idea that the computers and machines which automatically create these cars don't need the lights on - that idea was an outstanding success, because he was right, they don't.

              King Charles III came up with the idea of The Great Reset and the idea of the elite is to reduce our human populations considerably and my guess is that the vaccines were their way to do that and so far, my guess does not seem to be far off base.

              What gets me is that it was a voluntary thing. Everyone could refuse to have the vaccines as I did, but the methods of nudging they used were subtle and played on our emotions and they still play on my mind, when I think of them - it takes more than their nudging to sway me when I have a simple cure for any virus so their vaccines were, in my point of view, pointless: JAMA Medical News
              Since the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists have investigated whether ABO blood group is related to the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and illness.
              Published Online: August 16, 2023. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.15996
              So long story short - in an airborne virus: SARS-CoV-2 enters cells through the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors on their surface. Cells that expressed both ACE2 and either the blood group A antigen or the blood group O antigen found on epithelial cells, which "line the respiratory tract from the nose to the lungs". These antigens differ slightly from those found on red blood cells. “The virus isn’t trying to infect our blood cells. The virus is trying to infect our lungs,” Stowell explained.
              Cure: "line the respiratory tract from the nose to the lungs".
              Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm water. Cup a hand and pour some of the solution in, then sniff or snort the lot up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If you have a burning sensation that is OK, that is the salt burning the SARS-CoV-2 virus from the nasal passages inside your head and killing it, so leave it do its thing then when the burning sensation stops, (2-3 minutes) blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do 3 times daily - Morning, Noon, Night - or more often for a quicker result, until when you flush, it feels like plain water - Job Done. I have done this for many years and i am never ill from anything.
              This nasal flush washes behind the eyes, ears, brain bulb, brain stem and is probably good for Long Covid too, but not if you have an injected Covid-19
              Why let a virus SARS-CoV-2 virus enter your blood stream before you try to kill it - but can't?

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              • They have hubris because they are vastly richer, with vastly more power, that kind of reinforcement leads to a feeling of superiority. You see these tendencies in the Netflix series 'The gilded age.' Humans at every strata can easily fall prey to snobbery.

                • They live in the world they've created. We are faceless pieces on a checker board, taking up space and their resources. They don't believe we're worthy of any thought, much less anything else. They've contrived their own world, and have infiltrated ours by buying our politicians through appealing to the narcissistic egos of these easily manipulated people. I'm not sure they're going to let us have free elections, but I'm going to try and have faith we will overcome. Kennedy24.com

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                  Will the elite pretend they got the shot and have it by pretend on their ID?

                  • " train AI to locate and identify information from certain preferred sources." Aside from the obvious bias, all I can think of regarding AI is "garbage in, garbage out".

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                      Godless lizard demons will be brought down. Most people will not fall for another scamdemic or any of their other bs they are trying to push.

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                        “He credited this breakthrough with saving “millions of lives.”
                        Change that to destroying “millions of lives.”

                          • What was that? Lie number two million and one?

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                              Yes, research done in Europe has shown that the vax has killed and disabled more people than the virus.

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                                But you have to destroy millions (but I say billions) to save a few, isn't that how these things are supposed to work?

                                What gets me is life after death. There is a reported case of this boy who could remember his last life as a snake. He bit a man on his shoulder and the man killed him, this snake and he was reborn as this boy. The researchers found the man who said he killed a snake which bit him on his shoulder, verifying the boys story - neither knew the other.
                                Those behind these vaccines have to die sometime and when they do their spirit goes over the other side, where it is unlikely to be received with accolades for having exterminated most of the human race, by their vaccines and the possibility of other Spirits waiting to come over and become new babies, as their own new life, still being possible - like the boy above.
                                My guess is these "invisible to us" people, involved in these vaccines in any way (which includes my Doctor, who to all intents and purposes is Big Pharma's Representative first) are going to Hell for eternity and I hope I get to have my way with them after I die, because payback is a bitch and they have earned it - not vaccinated me.

                              • The evil psychopaths and their minions continue to reveal their true colors. Via rules for thee, but not for thee. Using AI to create a vaccine within one month. Of course this suits control and depopulation agenda purposes. Krampus Schwab admitted to using AI to not have elections, but this would select their candidate of choice. Gee, isn't what's been happening with all of these Presidents and others within the Government and other institutions? What they are all have in common is they are all WEF members, Trump included. Pay attention to their actions that speak louder than words. The same applies with the Digital ID, EV's, and CBDC, are used for control purposes. That's why if voting really made a difference, the controllers wouldn't allow us to do it. Don't forget mankind will always desire control and power at all costs. The order followers will continue to obey orders no matter how evil they are.
                                Without our consent, these evil bastards can't implement their agendas. Now, they are in panic mode and continue to reveal themselves and which is why they are pushing for more "censorship" campaigns to silence "free speech" because this reveals the truth about their evil deeds that continue to be exposed as sunlight is the best disinfectant.

                                • How on earth have we arrived at the point where humans think they can only survive with all these medications inside us and a digital ID???? I have never seen so many children with special needs in school. I physically could not prepare individual learning programs for 30 kids per class, 6 classes a day as their learning needs were so diverse. Yet where are the questions???? Does the normal Joe Blog on the street even know what the WEF is???? This is never going to end. Medics scratching their heads about all the cancers? Really? You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see the sickness all around.

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                                    I keep thinking, "GIGO" - Garbage In, Garbage Out.

                                    And you can interpret that in any number of ways.

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                                      How many times do we need to tell them all to f off and die, before they take notice?

                                      • Dear BOO WHO and WEF - I think I can speak for the majority of humanity when I say - You can take all your current AND future vaccines and shove them right up your A$$. Let's see.. There's less than 100 of you at your little summit and billions around the world ready to crush you and your f-ed up ideas. I say - bring it..

                                          • Agree. They will loose this.

                                            • It didn't take much to control those billions with a virus with a low mortality rate. What they will bring on next will enslave us all.

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                                                  A prerequisite to enslaving us, they first need to bring the economy down to make most of us bankrupt, homeless, & desperate. They will attempt to starve us. They will thus divide the citizenry into the haves & the have-nots. This situation will cause the haves & have-nots to be at odds with each other & a battle will thus ensue between ourselves, while the tyrants hide safely in their havens, monitoring the progress of their scheme. The aftermath of this situation is that everyone will be made equally desperate. Then, the tyrants will step in with a “solution”, which most everyone will be coerced into accepting, especially because of the dire circumstances that they are confronted with. THEN we will be enslaved, IF they are successful with their scheme.

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                                                This radiacal insanity in regard to vaccines shouold not be occuring.. Greed has everything to do with it. Intelligence has been left out of the entire equation. . It Reminds me of the story of the Emperor's New Clothes...nothing but sham. People are so impressed with the word doctor. Sixty-one years ago I learned medical doctors were human. I trusted my son's pediatrician to my detriment. The vaccines my son was given nearly killed him; and the foods I was advised to feed him; set him up for hyperactivity and tranquilizers. It set me on a course to study health and nutrition myself. In doing so, I came across information related to the Immune System and questioning the use of vaccines. There are lymph glands throughout the body which produce white corpuscles. When a foreign protein enters the bloodstream, these glands produce massive amounts of corpuscles to attack and wipe out this matter, which does not belong. It could be bacteria, poor quality food, or anything which endangers human health. My questions : How can injecting matter directly into the bloodstream create immunity, when white corpuscles were designed by our Creator to clear it out of the bloodstream? For example, aluminum, mercury aand fluoride are toxic...and they were used in vaccines given children for generations. They were known to cause brain damage. For example, mercury caused Mad Hatter;s Disease in the early 1900s. Women who worked in the hat-making industry used mercury and wound up going mad. Why didn't doctors question the use of matter such as this being in vaccines? Aluminum was known in the fifties as creating brain damage, I was sent an article in 1957 on this. Also knew about formaldehyde being used in embaming corpses If I had known back in the fities these items were in vaccines...i would never have permitted the doctor to give him one shot. About ten year ago, I came across a book, which listed the substances in vaccines: Vaccination is not Immunization by Dr. Tim O'Shea. Every caring parent shouldd do their own research and know what is in vaccines. Doctors really don''t know as much as people think. Most doctors receive their drug/vaccine info from Big Pharma's reps.

                                                • Just say no. They can shoot me.

                                                  • Chrystia Freeland reminds me of one of the “Alien” movies. That woman is possessed! Mark my words…both TURDeau and “‘free”land (WEF minions) will take Canada down into the pit of HELL - where they both come from! The EVIL is only beginning!

                                                    • It is sickening and frightening. The hubris of these guys talking about 'what they want.' So, the plan is AI will be their flying monkeys exerting control over every aspect of life, even implanting propaganda into the minds of kids in school. Covid really has given them a feeling that no holds are barred, and they can do as they like, and as one fella' said they want to make sure the goose keeps laying the golden eggs, so they will approach gingerly at first. I visualize a giant net hovering over the entire globe waiting for the signal from Klaus to drop on us. The plans to surveil and control money and shots are the bars that will imprison all with the help of AI. Yes, AI can do all that, but there is much it will never be able to do either. These guys must be salivating at the prospect of world domination, and it is happening. There will always be those who will rebel and not cave. I really get now why it is so important to be self-sufficient regarding food and own your own land. Living off grid will be the only way to avoid this new world order of subjugation.

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                                                          What is happening throughout the world has been in the making for thousands of years - long before Klaus & AI made their debut. But only now do we have the technology & infrastructure that is able to implement the evil that has been planned for mankind.
                                                          Blaming Klaus is akin to blaming AI for mistakes. The fact is that Klaus is only a puppet, just as AI is merely parroting back what it was programmed to do. Both Klaus & AI are merely scapegoats.

                                                          • AI as flying monkeys is such an accurate description but even worse, flying monkeys will have no accountability and no single programmer will be found. We're already witnessing massive corruption in every business without any enforced regulation or personal accountability. Blaming AI is their perfect 'out'.

                                                          • AI must be resisted at ALL COSTS. If you think that mRNA technology is bad, AI will make it look heavenly. I'm an IT expert with 43 years of expertise and I can tell you that this kind of thing can and will be set up to be bias. Just imagine this scenario: AI becomes fully accepted through generations and at some point, it becomes some kind of holy grail, a elite God if you like, thus whatever it says, goes. Well, you had better believe that AI will be exactly what the globalists want it to be, in all ways. There will be only one narrative and that will be what AI will respond to, nothing else. PERIOD. They're already pushing it as hard as they can: Both the MacOS and Windows are hell bent on incorporating it in their operating systems; You can bet it's coming to every phone OS as well. You think censorship is bad now, If and/or when AI comes to town, everything and anything not wanted by the "Owners" will not be seeable or doable. Nothing. This has to be stopped at all costs.

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                                                              Good job, every1! A+ Posted.

                                                              • These people are confused. The two biggest problems facing the world today are -

                                                                1. Governments need to STOP making new viruses and then releasing them on the people.
                                                                2. Misinformation and disinformation are code for killing free speech. They do not want the truth to be told and are determined to shut up dissenting opinions.